Backbone Media B2B Marketing Blog

Use These 4 Marketing Tips to Jumpstart Your Revenue
You’ve done a great job in your business so far. You have a fantastic product or service, you’ve used word-of-mouth to generate sales, and you’ve grown your business to a respectable level – all without the help of a marketing machine.
Yet, suddenly, you’ve found your sales at a standstill.
You’re still bringing in revenue, but you’re not seeing the kind of growth you did when you first started. You’ve stalled out, and you don’t know why. Perhaps this has been going on for a while, but you’ve been so focused on your current customers that you’ve only recently noticed you’re not really bringing in any new business.
This is a common problem a lot of small business owners face. When you see that your organic methods of generating business are causing you to plateau, you may not initially understand why. You may also feel a sudden sense of urgency to change as you realize the precarious position you’re in: If your current customer base falters, you have no recourse.
It’s a serious issue, but there’s plenty you can do to solve the problem. We’ve outlined four main strategies you can use now to draw more business and stabilize the business you currently have. Once you start this process and get it going in the right direction, you will have a reliable, sustainable way to generate new leads and convert those leads into sales.
Get Out of Maintenance Mode
First thing’s first: make a commitment to change. Maintenance may have served you for a time, but it’s ultimately unsustainable. Expenses rise month over month, which causes you to lose money overall, even if you consistently generate the same amount of revenue.
Resolve to leave your comfort zone behind and set your sights on robust sales and marketing efforts that will cause you to grow exponentially. This change of mindset immediately elevates you above the multitude of small business owners who are continually caught on the hamster wheel of maintenance.
Shore Up Risk In Your Client Base
You need to know exactly how stable or unstable your current client base is right now. With all the global changes, the truth may surprise you. Don’t rest on your assumptions. Check in with your customers. Take their temperature.
If you identify areas of risk, investigate them a little deeper. Keep probing for answers based on your business instincts. Each company you speak with will need a different approach. Use tact, and be mindful.
Get Your Marketing Engine Running
You don’t need a major website overhaul or a giant, multi-thousand-dollar ad campaign to get the word out and generate leads and sales. A well-designed landing page, targeted campaign, and a simple sales funnel will do the trick.
Focus on your target audience, your messaging, and your touchpoints. Leverage your mailing list, get people to your landing page, allow them to self-educate via the copy, graphics, and video you’ve placed there, and invite them to attend a webinar. This will move them along in your funnel and the data you receive will help you to continue to optimize and refine your marketing efforts.
Don’t Rely On One Person
Once you realize the need for better marketing, you may immediately think about hiring a marketer to join your team. This is a temptation to avoid. You can spend anywhere from 40-80k+ on a new marketer’s salary, only to be disappointed that they weren’t able to give you the results that you were hoping for. This is because you are in need of a machine, not an individual. People can build the machine, but the machine needs to be able to work for you 24/7 – something no individual can do alone.
You may be asking, “If I don’t hire someone, who is going to build the machine?” Good question. When you outsource your marketing efforts to a company that specializes in such work, they can leverage their own team to help you build a marketing machine that not only generates leads, but nurtures those leads, and converts them into sales. This way you can receive the benefit of a marketing department without bringing a new hire on board to do all the work alone.
Build a Marketing Campaign That Works with Backbone Media
Stop stalling and start growing. We’re here to help you jumpstart your marketing efforts and develop a strategy that will set you up for long-term success. Our team of expert developers, designers, creators, and strategists are a powerful support system that can take your business from good to great. Contact Backbone Media today for a no-obligation consultation.